Chapter One
This first chapter covers terms such as same, similar, and different. We work on things that match as well as opposites.
Chapter Two
This chapter covers Sequencing and numbers 1-5. We work on number recognition as well as grouping items on a five frame.
Chapter Three
Chapter Three covers understanding positions of numbers up to ten. We also begin working with ten frames.
Chapter Four
Chapter Four we being to look at shapes. Scholars learn to tell the difference between two-dimensional and three- dimensional shapes. (i.e. square vs cube)
Chapter Five
Chapter Five discovers measurement. We review terms such as height, length, and capacity.
Chapter Six
Chapter Six is about "greater than" and "more than". We also review terms such as "fewer than" and "less than".
Chapter Seven
In Chapter Seven we begin grouping and discovering the tens place value. By grouping things into tens we can then count on from ten. (We have ten and three more)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight we begin discovering number bonds. This is where we learn that a part and a part will equal a whole.
Chapter Nine
In Chapter Nine the symbols + and = will be introduced and used to make equations.
Chapter Ten
In Chapter Ten number bonds will be used to help your child make the connection between addition and subtraction.
Chapter Eleven
In Chapter Eleven your child will build on the foundation of addition and subtraction that was learned in Chapters Nine and Ten.
Chapter Twelve
In Chapter Twelve takes the idea of ten as a countable unit and extends it to numbers to 100. Your child will first learn that 1 ten is 10, 2 tens are 20, 3 tens are 30, and so on.